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Who is a cross-logistics operator?

A cross-logistics operator is a specialist who determines the best route, taking into account the load of rail and other transport networks. He controls the delivery process and, if necessary, can adjust the route by connecting all available transportation options.

For example, a truckload of products is sent from point A to point B. But on the way, a part needs to be shipped out for sea transport, another part for the train, and the vacant space needs to be occupied by other goods. The cross-logistics operator is like putting together a construction set, taking into account a lot of data, so that the resulting delivery of products to the consumer is not only fast, but also as profitable as possible. After all, about 12% of the cost of goods is the cost of logistics and storage.

What a cross-logistics operator does

A cross-logistics operator draws up hybrid transportation trajectories. It is important to have a lot of information. Cross-logistic operator needs to take into account the peculiarities of coordination of schedules and routes, execution of road documents, legal regulation of transportation of different types of cargo.

It is also important to know infrastructure capabilities of transport networks, loading and unloading platforms, transfer hubs, storage areas.

Basic skills of a cross-logistics operator

A cross-logistics operator must have an analytical mindset and be able to operate with large amounts of information.

His basic skills are:

  • Is well versed in the organization of cargo transportation;
  • knows the peculiarities of different means of transportation and how traffic is formed in a metropolitan area;
  • understands how orders are placed, how to track the status of cargo, and knows warehouse logistics;
  • calculates dozens of different moves, choosing the best one;
  • owns special programs.

As for personal qualities, accuracy, assiduity, attentiveness and neatness are important for a cross-logistics operator.

The profession will suit someone who, for example, likes to play chess or strategy and win through a minimum number of moves.

Trends and directions of the profession

Today, this profession is for metropolitan areas where many traffic flows intersect, where there are railway stations, large warehouses, airports, seaports. The main employers, whose organizations have vacancies cross-logist, are transport companies, logistics companies, departments of railways.

Gradually, unmanned freight transport is also being launched, and this is another part of the puzzle that the cross-logistics operator has to put together. By 2030 Russia wants to make one-tenth of all commercial vehicles unmanned, which will save hundreds of millions of rubles. The main thing is to correctly integrate the new transport into the existing system.

On the international market, this profession has great prospects. For example, the cross-logistics operators will be needed when implementing the Chinese initiative «One Belt, One Road» — the program to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and sea routes.

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